Responsible Wool Standard

Elevate Wool Sourcing with Responsible Wool Standard (RWS)

What is The Responsible Wool Standard?

The Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) is a certification for wool farmers and sellers that aims to improve the welfare of sheep and the land they graze on. The RWS standard requires certification achievers must meet rigorous animal welfare, land management and social requirements. Top brands and industry organizations behind the standard include H&M, Kering, Patagonia, and Outdoor Industry Association.

As consumers become more aware of where the wool in their products come from, brands and retailers need to ensure their wool suppliers use ethical and sustainable sourcing practices. RWS has provided the standard that recognizes farming best practices and ensures a strong chain of custody for certified materials through the supply chain. The key features of this standard are animal welfare protection, land health preservation, social welfare protection, chain of custody, credible certification by a third party like SGS Global Services, claim communication, and stakeholder engagement.

Why Choose SCS?

SCS has highly qualified auditors experienced in animal welfare inspections who are regionally located to support sheep farms worldwide. Our company mission is based on environmental sustainability, and we have deep knowledge of supply chain and responsible sourcing practices in the textile industry. Once certified, our team provides additional marketing support to help promote your certification and sustainability achievements.

  • Process
  • Program Documents
  1. Apply for Certification
    • Complete and submit an SCS Application Form
    • SCS scopes project and prepares a Work Order with a timeline and quote.
    • Client signs Work Order and returns to SCS to initiate project.
  2. Data Collection
    • SCS auditor works with the client to collect necessary data according to the standard.
    • SCS auditor schedules onsite audit with the client.
  3. Onsite Audit
    • SCS Auditor observes operations on the farm, interviews workers, and examine records related to the requirements of the standard. The audit takes 1-2 days per farm site.
  4. Draft Assessment Report
    • SCS auditor writes a draft assessment report that details the findings of the audit, which includes data analysis, non-conformities, and opportunities for improvement.
    • SCS submits a quote for conducting the audit.
  5. Corrective Actions
    • Client responds to any non-conformities with a Corrective Action Plan.
    • Client may also make comments and responses to the information contained in the report and the conclusions drawn by the auditor.
  6. Certification Decision
    • SCS conducts a final technical review of the assessment report and makes the final certification decision.
    • If certification is granted, SCS issues to the client a certificate verifying compliance with the standard.
    • Upon certification, the client is listed on the SCS website and will be introduced to the SCS marketing team to discuss marketing support of certification.
  7. Certification Maintenance and Renewal
    • Certification is valid for three years.
    • Annual onsite audits are required under the standard to maintain your certification. Audits may be scheduled to take place during times of higher risk (i.e. marking and shearing) at the discretion of the SCS.
File Name Document
Farmer Guidebook Visit Site
RWS Implementation Manual Visit Site
RWS Logo Use and Claims Guide Visit Site
RWS Standard Visit Site

Apply Now

Ready to start the process? Complete an Application.

Inna Kitaychik