European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) Support

Verification and Validation Services for Deforestation-free Commodities

EUDR For Deforestation-free Commodities and Products

The European Union (EU) Deforestation Regulation (EUDR), which took effect on June 29, 2023, stipulates that starting December 30, 2024, operators and traders must ensure that the production and procurement of key commodities comply with the legal sourcing regulations of the country of origin. (In an October 1, 2024 Press Release, the EU Commission proposed a revised phase-in period for reporting and compliance.  If approved by the European Parliament and the Council, it would provide an extra 12 months for implementation, making the EUDR law applicable on 30 December 2025 for large companies and 30 June 2026 for micro- and small enterprises). The overall goal of this regulation is to mitigate forest and biodiversity loss, as well as land degradation. For global companies producing and importing the seven commodities and their derived products (listed below) into EU countries, EUDR might lead to significant logistical, reporting, and financial challenges. Manufacturers, operators, and traders must adhere to due diligence requirements for each shipment, which includes providing geo-coordinates of the exact locations where the commodities were sourced. SCS Global Services provides an array of services to help companies impacted meet this new regulation. 


Under the EUDR, products of the above commodities must have been produced in accordance with the deforestation policies of their country of origin, be deforestation-free, and be covered by a due diligence statement. The cut-off date for deforestation and forest degradation for the production of these commodities was December 31, 2020 meaning that products produced after this date must not cause deforestation and forest degradation. Special provisions for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) will become effective from June 30, 2025.

Your EUDR Solutions with SCS Global Services

SCS Global Services brings four decades of certification, validation, verification and sustainability assessment experience in the natural resources, built environment, food and agriculture, consumer products and climate sectors. Drawing from extensive industry knowledge and best practices, our solutions can help companies across various industries meet the EUDR requirements for their manufactured commodities. In addition, as a founding member of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification program, SCS has unparalleled experience auditing against responsible forestry requirements and regulations around the world. In fact, SCS currently audits against all leading forest management certification standards including FSC, SFI, PEFC and ATFS. We have the experience, expertise and knowledge needed to successfully conduct compliance and due diligence integrity assessments by performing gap assessments and validating your in-house solutions for risk assessments.

eudr roadmap

  • SCS EUDR Offerings
  • Benefits
  • Program Documents

Due Diligence Systems 

This is aimed at EU operators, such as importers and traders, who already have established solutions for EUDR compliance for all relevant commodities. It also caters to those preparing for audits by competent authorities. SCS performs a comparison of their due diligence statements (past and current) against its own checklist, to produce a report that details the integrity of the due diligence process, risk assessment as well as risk mitigation measures. 

Manufacturers, importers and exporters must implement and publicly report due diligence systems (risk assessment and mitigation) in their supply chains to avoid sourcing commodities and their derived products that are not deforestation-free or have not been produced based on the origin country’s policies and legislations. 

Compliance with Enforcement Procedures

Farmers/growers up to exporters are the focus group for this process. SCS helps with the process by checking EUDR compliance of various factors in the supply chain against its checklist, to identify any gaps. Manufacturers, importers, and exporters must comply with collecting information on their supply chains and submitting due diligence statements with applications for customs clearance. Once it is determined if they are from low or high-risk countries, the processes might defer with low-risk operators being allowed to conduct simplified due diligence. 

  1. Meet global import and export requirements for greater global market access for your commodities and products.
  2. Build brand equity by showcasing your commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability.
  3. Establish and communicate chain of custody measures to showcase verified traceability of your commodities and products. 
  4. Align with global values and support responsible forestry practices. 
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EUDR Support Services Application Form English

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Gustavo Bacchi